joel coleman

Joel Coleman Nationwide

In addition to representing companies in bankruptcy proceedings, Mr. Joel Coleman also represents equity interest holders, state-court receivers, and parties to unexpired leases. He has represented nearly every imaginable constituency in bankruptcy, out-of-court workouts, and bankruptcy proceedings. In addition to his peers, Mr. Coleman has won numerous awards and honors. He received the Turnaround Award…

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amco nationwide

AMCO Nationwide Agents

AMCO agencies are the best way to get insurance for your business nationwide. You can also get a free consultation and quote from these insurance agencies. No matter what policy you choose, an AMCO Nationwide agent is always ready to help. Below you will find some tips for choosing a good insurance agent. Amco Insurance…

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nationwide md

New Physicians at Nationwide MD

Nationwide MD has been in the news recently with several lawsuits filed against them. Insurance agent John T. The lawsuit by Durvert who claimed that ALIP was unfair and discriminatory. The Assistant Insurance Commissioner ruled that the policy was invalid and in violation of Maryland Section 48A. Fortunately for other insurance agents in Maryland, ALIP…

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