Are you a Randy Jones & Associates Inc-Nationwide Insurance customer? Have you written a review of the company? If please take a moment to rate the company on Google. This will allow other customers to learn more about this company and make the decision to purchase from them. Randy Jones & Associates Inc-Nationwide Insurance accepts reviews. It has an annual revenue of $271,466.
If “Randy jones nationwide insurance” is a new or regional branch or agency of Nationwide Insurance. I recommend checking with authoritative nationwide sources and local business directories to find the most up-to-date information.
Event co-sponsored by Randy Jones & Associates Inc
The fourth annual Randy Jones Invitational, a charity golf tournament, has become the premier fundraising event for the JSU community. Over the years, the event has raised over $1 million for local charities through in-kind golf rounds and the auction. Teams that win charity golf tournaments earn invitations to the event. These teams play for pride and the chance to represent their chosen charity. A total of 360 teams representing 200 local charities play for free in ten semi-final rounds. The top three teams advance to the Finals, with the winner receiving the title of the charity event.
Randy Jones & Associates Inc. The event was co-sponsored by a dynamic gathering of industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and researchers from various fields. Designed to promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing, the event served as a platform for professionals to connect, learn and explore new possibilities.
Audience voting for favorite singers
The Birmingham Critter Idol contest will see the audience vote for their favorite singers by donating $1 per vote. During the show, audience members will have the opportunity to vote multiple times. The winner of the contest will be named Birmingham’s Critter Idol. Sponsors of the event include Fawal & Spina, Stewart Dansby, and Serra Toyota. Ward and Wilson Stewart and Kendrick and Serra Toyota are the top vote-getter.