Tips to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

save money on your car insurance

Increasing your deductible is a great way to save money on your car insurance. You can also reduce your mileage to qualify for discounts or switch insurance companies. Covers some of the best tips to lower your rates. Make a list of what types of coverage you currently have and then shop around for quotes. See if your current company will match the lowest price or switch to a new company if you get a cheaper quote elsewhere.

Increase your deductible to save money on car insurance

Generally, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. If you have low insurance premiums, an increase of $500 or $1000 can save you up to 20% of your annual premium. It takes about three years to recover your deductible. A $1,000 raise will save you more than $18,000 over a decade.

In Massachusetts, for example, raising your deductible from $250 to $500 will save you about 17 percent. In Michigan, the savings is just $4 percent. So, if you are thinking of increasing this amount, make sure to set aside an emergency fund to cover the deductible amount. If you’re unsure about the benefits of increasing your deductible, get a quote first.

In addition to saving money on monthly premiums, increasing your deductible also saves the insurance company from paying large claims. If you have fewer collisions, you’ll pay less in the long run. Depending on your insurance company, you could save up to $760 per year by raising your deductible.

In addition to saving money on your monthly premium, increasing your deductible will lower your premium rate by 15-30%. You can save more money on collision and comprehensive insurance. If you don’t have a nest egg, increasing your deductible probably won’t affect your financial situation much. A higher deductible is better for a driver with a good driving record.

Before you raise your deductible to save money on car insurance, you should know where the extra money will come from. Set aside extra money you save for an emergency fund, such as a savings account. You will also save on interest charges if you have to pay for major repairs to your car. If you plan to increase your deductible, be sure to set up an emergency savings account with savings.

Reduce your mileage to get a discount

If you drive a lot, reducing your mileage to get discounts on car insurance company rates is an easy way to lower your monthly payments. According to the US Department of Transportation, the average driver drives about 13,000 miles per year. Lowering your mileage will also lower car insurance rates.

You should also know how much your premium will increase if you increase your mileage. How much you save on car insurance depends on many factors. This includes the type of car you drive, location and mileage level. Lowering your mileage can save you up to $600 per year on your auto insurance premiums. This is a great opportunity to save money on your premium. Lower your mileage to get discounts on car insurance today!

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Switch insurance companies

Many reasons can justify changing your car insurance company. You may have recently moved and are looking for cheaper rates, or you may have a new teen driver who needs coverage. Follow the steps outlined by Bankrate’s insurance editorial staff to save more money on your coverage.

Before switching, check your policy. Most insurance companies will not charge you if you cancel your policy before its renewal date but be aware that you may have to pay a cancellation fee if your policy has lapsed. This fee can be a flat amount or a percentage of your outstanding premium. If you’re not sure if you can cancel your current policy, wait until renewal time and see how much you save.

If you bundle more than one policy, you can often qualify for a discount. While you can usually get a good discount for having multiple policies with the same insurance company, you may have to wait until any previous claims are settled. You’ll get the lowest rate possible and avoid any lapses in coverage.

The first tip is to check your current policy. You should periodically check your policy for lapsed coverage. In case of an accident, your new insurance company may not honor the claim and charge you a higher premium. If you’ve recently claimed, it may not be the best time to switch. Your new insurance provider may also charge an early cancellation fee. If you recently purchased your policy, it’s probably best to wait until your next renewal to avoid penalties.

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